Good Vocal hygiene


Good vocal hygiene and mangagement are important for keeping the voice in top condition.

Proper hygiene includes:

-Avoid odd laryngeal sounds and excessive throat clearing.
-Keep the speaking voice at a low intensity.
-Avoid talking and singing over loud noises.
-Blow away tension before talking or singing.
-Rest the larynx when not using it.
-Reduce vocal demads.
-Avoid smoking and second hand smoke.
-Avoid using an unhealthy voice.
-Avoid mucosal-drying agents such as caffeine and alcohol.
-Maintain mental health and manage stress.

Vocal management includes:

-Reduce quantity of singing; fewer lessons, more use of instrumental arrangements, feature other memebers of the group.
-Use monitor speakers facing the stage.
-Discuss vocal needs with the sound technician.
-Avoid use of chest voice at high pitch levels.
-Rest the voice on performance days.
-Rest between sets or scenes.
-Arrange the music to suit your voice; change keys if necessary.
-Pace your practicing.
-Reduce choral/choir singing.