Search results

  1. H

    WTB: F1 Rihanna concert ticket

    Just need one ticket. I'm open to all ticket types but prefer zone 4 walkabout. Can deal today or tomorrow. Text/WhatsApp me at 91184411 your offer!
  2. H

    Any phones to recommend?

    I'm getting a new phone probably around december or jan when my 2 year contract is due. Any recommendation? I'm eyeing on the Sony Ericsson K750i.
  3. H

    Ghost watching webcams

    Found this on A rarely-used room in Belfast. Can you spot the ghost of the young lady? In 1916, the supposed "young lady" is Helena Blunden. She fell off the basement steps and died. Kinda interesting though. I didn't dare to...
  4. H


    I tend to go off key w/o realising i'm off key unless somebody tells me. How to change?
  5. H

    Music schools that teaches opera

    Any music schools that teaches opera in Singapore? Opera doesn't seem very popular in Singapore. :(
  6. H

    The Sentence Linking Game

    Let join sentences. :D Rules: Use the last word from an earlier sentence to start a new sentence. Use words, dont use numbers or anything else. Examples: My sentence: Sissymi likes to eat apples. Your sentence: Apples can be bought from markets. I'll start first. -> Sugar, spice and...