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  1. G

    It might get loud

    I know it's a little late, but I was just wondering whether any1 managed to catch the show. Cause I just saw it and it was amazing. I really learnt a lot from it. And I'm really really surprisingly inspired by difference in approach to guitar playing and music in general from the edge and jack...
  2. G

    Lukas Rossi MTV Competition entry #14

    Check out the MTV i did hey guys. check out this MTV a few friends and i did for a Lukas Rossi MTV competition. We need the view counts and stuff. so if you can, rate it high and comment good. It's done with a handicam, room lamp, a days hardcore preparation and literally $0 budget. So...
  3. G

    websites that keep you from being bored

    im asking because i'm always bored online and m running out of websites to surf when i'm bored. my list is: and... i think that's about it sans music sites and email.
  4. G


    i'm too sure every1 shares the problem of just getting stuck in a stagnant ditch of playing guitar where you seem to play the same thing you know how to play over and over and over again. i get out of it with sheer discipline to learn most of the time. i'm sure there's an easier way... any...
  5. G

    MediaCorp looking for musicians/actors

    *edit* Hi guys, i'm helping a friend doing casting in mediacorp. (so don't reply to me) they're looking for some people to act in an episode of (i think) Life Story, tracking the life of The Quests. Looking for the male bands who are the following: (quoted from email) 1) Age: around 17 - 22...
  6. G

    guitar maintainence.

    i was just wondering what lengths you guys go for guitar maintainence. including the lengths you guys go to and duration you spend cleaning the guitar, what you use to clean and how often you might send it to a workshop for whatever reason. u use pledge, an SAF rifle cleaning cloth and a...
  7. G

    how to take gig photos?

    i was just wondering... how do you take nice clear photos in low light gig settings? im assuming it cant be done on a normal little digital camera. so roughly what're the settings like on the aperture and shutter speed on n slr? and what film do i get? as in iso?
  8. G splash page.

    well i'm not too sure about the rest of you guys, and i don't wanna offend any1 in any way... but i'm thinking the soft splash page is kinda... erm... not so nice? sorry. i mean it may just be me. and i hope i'm not being insensitive or something... i mean there're plenty of great flyer...
  9. G

    a good eq to get

    im on a low budget or a money's worth basis. i have no need for the 20 band 1s and stuff like tt. what i'm looking most for is transparency. i've tried danelectro and boss. i dun like em much. though i think the boss ge-7 sniper mod was pretty cool.
  10. G

    so how'd you guys find baybeats?

    i thought it was a real downer on the first day... though i was totally surprised to find that daphne khoo did a damn great job on stage with west grand boulevard. second day picked up for me. a vacant affair was my highlight cause they were friggin awesome. day 3 was the coolest cause...
  11. G

    fender humbucker help

    hey guys. im looking to change the bridge humbuckers on my fender highway1. now i've got SD customs which are wayy too bright for em. i'm thinking SD invaders or SD custom customs to bring out the crunch and i'm totally not into active pickups coz it's just plain inconvenient for me. anyway...
  12. G

    fred durst on guitar

    oh yes... this is as bad as it sounds... hahaha...
  13. G

    is it possible?

    is it possible to start a band at the age of 22. gig, write and get noticed in the same year. get local recognition then signed and make an LP at the age of 23. get noticed regionally at the age of 24. move to the US of A and play the clubbing circuit at the age of 26. make friends, get noticed...
  14. G

    what did you get for christmas?

    i got an adidas watch a lil bag pouch thing... AND KURT COBAIN JOURNALS! WOOHOO!!!