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  1. jonoh248

    My probs with TyMusic

    Dear all, I take back my words about TyMusic. Firstly, I was too mad and made a big deal out of a problem that they and nobody could fix. Only mistake they made was misplacing the guitar strap and giving the wrong analysis. I admit that posting such an issue on soft is totally uncalled for with...
  2. jonoh248

    Does anyone know where to find Fender Hardcases?

    Need to find a case for my '87 strat plus.
  3. jonoh248

    Anyone knows where I can get Strat Pickguards?

    Need help! Thanks!
  4. jonoh248

    Where To Buy Washburn Electrics?

    Hey fellas, I'm looking for a shop that sells Washburn Electrics. Swee Lee isn't buying Washburn anymore. The guitars they have left don't look good. So do you know any shops that sell these beauties?
  5. jonoh248

    I need help with finding out the prices of these multi effects.

    Hey fellas! Im lookin for good multi effects under 400 bucks. I've looked at the(Not sure how much they are though, but they look dang good): Vox Tonelab LE Boss GT-8 Line 6 Floor Pod Line 6 Floor Pod Plus Note: I left KORG and Zoom out of this So what are the prices of these things and what...
  6. jonoh248

    Les Paul Pickguards

    Hey guys, i scratched my pickguard like crazy on a gig in australia, so now i need a new one. Ive got the gibson les paul studio and im just trying to find a regular cheap pickguard for it. I prefer white or some unusual colour. If your selling or you know a place that sells em please tell me. I...