Recent content by swolks

  1. S

    SOLD WTS: Soundking DF036 Two tier keyboard stand for $50

    Bought at City Music about 1 year ago at $65. Very new condition, been kept in storeroom and not utilised. See details here: Pickup...
  2. S

    Looking for a rock drummer

    Well, every one of us in the band has different influences, i'd say rock would be a suitable genre classification. We do both Chinese and English rock, so probably the main requisite would be the ability to play music from these 2 languages. Our song choices have so far amounted to quite a...
  3. S

    Looking for chinese rock vocalist!

    We're searching for a male vox who can sing songs like from 五月天, 信樂團, 萧敬腾. Not necessary to sound like these bands, as long as you can manage them it'll be great! ;)
  4. S

    Looking for female vox+guitar, and male vox+bass for Chinese band

    We're a trio (guitarist 31/m, keyboards 27/f, drummer 31/m) looking to complete our chinese band. We would like to put together some songs to jam, perhaps by 五月天, 信樂團, 杨乃文, 张惠妹, 周杰倫, 萧敬腾... We're open to jamming any chinese songs, it'll only serve to increase our musical repertoire! Ideally...