Recent content by Soundzipper

  1. Soundzipper

    "Are you Ready to Flex it?" Architectural Acoustics showcase

    Soundzipper LLP will be having an architectural acoustics showcase presenting Flex Acoustics a new variable acoustic technology who will be here in Singapore. CEO Niels W. Adelman Larsen will be here to unleash new possibilities for all those who are in love concert halls, owners of these...
  2. Soundzipper

    Choose The Right Recording Microphone!

    So you want get your first recording microphone for your brand new Digital Audio Workstation. Or maybe you just want a workhorse microphone for stage use. Which one should you pick? Choosing the right microphone might seem an easy task. Think again. There are so many types of microphones out...
  3. Soundzipper

    The Priorities In Post-Production Room For A Sound Engineer

    Sound engineers have to deal with room acoustics. Especially if they want an objective listening in their post production work. Are you a sound engineer? Are you working at home or in a studio? Whatever the case, even if you have the best, most expensive studio equipment, it will be useless –...