Recent content by Soundaholic

  1. S

    String set-up

    Hi guys. The last time I changed my strings, i decided to have fun the wrap-around bridge for a bit and the result was that my string set-up was completely messed up. I wanted to take to a professional to do the set-up but that'll cost like hell, so I decided I would do it myself. Anyone got any...
  2. S

    what does SOFT stand for?

    Yup, just what the thread says. I'm guessing it's Singapore online sumthing sumthing ? :). If you guys can think of any funny stuffs soft stands for the feel free to post lol
  3. S

    using finger nail instead of pick

    Hi guys, is there anyone in soft who doesn't use a pick to play electric guitar? I've been using my index finger nail ever since I started to play electric because somehow I always feel uncomfortable using a pick and it really slows me down. I've tried picks of different thickness but in the end...
  4. S

    Tube Screamer

    Hey guys I want to buy an overdrive pedal that gives off that bright, screeching, screaming sound. If you've ever listened to Guilty Gear sound tracks lead guitar you'll know what I mean. So is the tube screamer that good? I heard it's quite popular. And does the name tube screamer mean it's...
  5. S

    How is your christmas?

    Well, it's Xmas right now so I just want to hear all of us share our christmas experience this year, like, presents or watever. I'll start. *EMO WARNING* I just broke up with my first girlfriend right before christmas so yeah....I'm still kind of trying to recover from the shock. As always I...
  6. S

    Replacement of amp adapter

    Hello. I bought a Roland MicroCube RX at Swee Lee some time ago. I lost the power adapter the other day and now I have to use battery to power the amp. Does Swee Lee sell replacement adapter or is it sold anywhere else?
  7. S

    Inlay stickers

    I think there was this thread about these stickers here not too long ago. There was doubts about the quality of such stickers and stuffs so I decided to go ahead, asked my mom for the credit card and ordered some so I can know what the quality is like. I ordered a large sticker for the guitar...
  8. S

    Intro: Soundaholic :) (the guy who spams smileys)

    Helllllllo softies :)! I've been on soft for a few months now as sf1102 but many have been telling me the name sounds really weird and geeky and sometimes even think of words "sf" may stand for xD. That's why I just created this new account and do this self intro here ^^. To start off, I'm not...