Recent content by Sainty13

  1. Sainty13

    WTS : Premier Drums Olympic Series

    Bought this Basic entry level Drum set in 2010. Given up on drumming and having other commitments. Drum Set is still in very good condition and shell life, its collecting dust in room hence willing to sell it off to anyone or even to music school & jamming Studios. All Drum heads from REMO and...
  2. Sainty13

    Drummer looking for a band to start off :)

    I'm looking for a band here that plays pop/rock genre like maroon 5, jason mraz and etc as these are my music influence not a professional player but willing to learn more from others. Willing to try out with any band that are looking for a drummer. :)
  3. Sainty13

    Where to repair drum lugs?

    Hi guys need help in repair my snare drum lugs so i wonder where to get it repair? Its a Premier Olympic set so the snare is like the stock's want.Well you guys wouldnt believe how it happens simply i was just playing it as normal then the next beat on the snare sound weird so i took a look at...
  4. Sainty13

    Looking For Yamaha Absolute Maple nouveau Snare Drum

    Just wanna ask does singapore carry the Yamaha Absolute Maple nouveau snare drum (ASD-0545 14x5 Snare Drum) or do you guys know if there is anywhere else i can get it and roughly wad's the price for it in SGD? This link below has bigger and clearer view of the Snare Drum...
  5. Sainty13


    ANYONE IN LOVE WITH MATT FLYNN DRUMMMING?!?!?! just wanna find out and ask tips on most the maroon 5 song tat he does! haha =D ROCK ON!
  6. Sainty13

    help :D

    I bought a premier set like a 1yrs+ ago and i also bought this vic firth mute padd thingy which is for my drumset to mute the toms,snare,cymbal and bass drum. so for the 1yrs+ i having been playing with the bass drums pad on and now that its gonna be spoiled i took it out and start playing...
  7. Sainty13

    Drum heads

    hi people i had a premier set and the bass drum sound kinda bad so i wanna to get a new drum head for the bass drum but just had no idea wat good drum heads to buy for the bass drum. so wanna hear tips from u guys:D
  8. Sainty13

    Wat kind of metronome is Good?

    been looking around the forum checking on types of metronome u drummers are using so i have been wondering wat type of metronome should i get.. :D in my mind i was thinking of getting the Tama RythmnWatch but is quite expensive..:D any suggestions from you guys out there?:D
  9. Sainty13

    Need help badly!! :d

    Man its so different when i jam with friends man...:( its like i can do these techique at home but den WHEN I JAM with friends i just cant apply the techique that i do at home MAN!! can anyone give tips or something?? :D
  10. Sainty13

    Lobang for first-hand acoustic guitar

    Posting on behalf of my friend who is looking for good lobang for first-hand acoustic guitar that can be plugged into Amp. Price ranges from 100plus-200 plus.Any LOBANG out there please reply me asap THANK YOU! :D
  11. Sainty13

    How To overcome stage Fright and getting more experience in playing drums

    Hi people i just started drumming for like 1 or 2 years ago so never ever perform before in my life.. yea so just wan to ask u people how do i get to be more experience in drumming like performing outside or some stuff and most important thing IS THAT I HAVE STAGE FRIGHT and i think is quite...
  12. Sainty13

    Intro Sainty13

    Sainty13 here new to this forum hope you ppl will guide me here thanks =D:)