Recent content by Funkifized

  1. F

    Tony Royster solo @ Music Clef It was a shame that only a handful came by. He played some real tasty stuff today. 8) That snare was crackin! Excuse the quality as the original video is 200mb. Needed to dumb the quality down a lot to fit it on youtube.
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    The Problem

    Everytime someone posts new material here like musical notations, almost no one replies, and I don't think there's more than 2 or 3 people who actually found it useful. I'm not angry or anything. This is a serious question: Why is it this way? Is it because most of the drummers who visit soft...
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    This forum needs more people sharing and less people "defending their reputation" and their "iron rice bowl". So here's a link of one of my favourite sites to look for new material to work on: One of the site's founders passed away recently (Paul...
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    Woah Drummer Now THAT'S what I call a drummer! Excellent stuff! Who wants to listen to the old 2 n 4 when you've got guys like this who can groove AND blow chops without losing it!
  5. F

    Tony Royster Jr. new dvd check out the videos... he's crazy good and sick fast now... great musical ideas and phrasing, and he's matured greatly as a musician. 8)
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    Drummer for American Idol

    Am I the only one who thinks that the drummer for the show 'American Idol' is an absolute monster? He can play so many styles with such dexterity and he's always in the pocket! Great drum sound too. Anybody know who he is? It's a Black man...
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    Stantan Moore videos lots to learn from there. i've always been a fan of music from new orleans.
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    Two incredible fills

    For those who can read taogeh, this is absolutely amazing when heard live. Go ahead and try to do it, FAST. 8) It's also one of the the most musical drum fills i've ever heard in my life. It adds so much to the song. Drummers shouldn't just keep a groove... this is how a drummer can contribute...
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    Seat height

    Hi guys, just wanna ask how you guys actually sit when you play the drums, namely the height. Do you sit high or low, or somewhere in between, and why? Sitting high makes me feel like i'm on top of the drums but sitting low makes me feel like i'm behind the drums if you know what i mean. Thanks...
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    Meinl Drum Festival Videos Have fun viewing these vids... the Benny Greb and Lang videos have craaaazzzzy chops.
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    Mike Mangini clips

    here are some mike mangini clips i got from another forum Rush cover band covering tom sawyer and Xanadu: Steve Vai's Ultra Zone tour Mike Mangini drum solo : *EDIT: Fixed link*...
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    New Benny Greb

    I got reminded a cool video i saw recently after seeing this guy post that yoshiki video here. here's the link. Great playing, great musicianship. IMHO anyway. right click to save as.[/i]
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    Favourite rudiment?

    Anybody here got a favourite rudiment? Or something that they can rip across the kit? I personally love the paradiddle-diddle, or rlrrll. Steve Gadd was the first to rip it up. Can use in on crazy cymbal crashes too. Great crowd pleaser. Oh, and Swiss army triplets too. Great fun, those. :D