Recent content by fiqo afiq

  1. F

    Guitarist needed for new band!

    Hey there. im the vocalist with my bassists still looking for lead guitarist and drummer for a new band. genre is like sho gazing type uses nice effects with melodic tunes, catchy type. we wanna play top 40 songs, muse, daughtry, david cook and many more. and working on originals. Commitment is...
  2. F

    Les paul gibson replica: Made in china

    I wanna ask did anyone tried the duplicate of les paul by CRAFTSMAN made in china, sell by CITYMUSIC? i wanna noe how good it is. Looks quite good. sound almost 80% like GIBSON. i need some feedback pls
  3. F

    New drummer needed for a new band!

    Hi there, Im the vocalist for the new band. doing a new band with my bassits and my guitarist. we are trying soon for the noise competition. Im playing some top 40 songs, david cook, daughtry muse and many more. more show gazing type with effetcs and stuff. If ure interested pls email me or text...