Recent content by CogitoAngMoh

  1. CogitoAngMoh

    Very helpful tube amplifier troubleshooting tool

    Was trying to help solve a friend's amp problem today, found this and thought it was very helpful. So I'm sharing it with you guys...
  2. CogitoAngMoh

    Help: Solving Volume Drop Issue on EH Small Stone

    Hi everyone, I've got a relatively new model EH Small Stone Phase Shifter that is having some volume drop issues. I think the overall tone is great, but everytime I kick it on, there is a very noticeable drop in overall volume. Obviously, not a good situation if you're using it with your...
  3. CogitoAngMoh

    Intro: Hello to all from Marc

    Hi Guys & Gals, I'm new to SOFT and thought I should introduce myself. Been in Singapore and SE Asia for about 8 years now. (Wow, has it really been that long?) Have enjoyed it since I got here. Love guitar and some drums as well. Been playing guitar for about 10 years...