Recent content by bouncychu

  1. B

    vocal amplification for home studio

    hi guys im in the process of setting up a home jamming studio but what i need to do now is amplify my vocals. whats the best way i can go about doing this with a budget of 200 dollars? (excluding microphones). thanks
  2. B

    question about head and cabinets

    hi guys i have been playing guitar for a few years now. but the sad fact is that i know zilch about amplifiers. so here is my question: i am on the verge of purchasing an orange tiny terror head but i dont have the money for a cabinet yet. is it possible for me to use my vox ac4tv (combo) as a...
  3. B

    advice on reccording device

    hi guys i am looking at these 3 devices yamaha mw10c yamaha audiogram 3 yamaha audiogram 6 honestly i do not really have much idea about what each of the following does so i am hoping that somebody can explain to me the differences in their functions and which would be more ideal for me. i...
  4. B

    need help!!my back aching due to sitting posture while playi

    well ive been playing and practicing maybe alot, but thats really a good thing right? ( ard 5-6 hours a day on avg ) this has been going on for some time now ever since i change my new strings = ) <3 my new curt mangan strings. anyway getting to the point. wats been killing me isnt the pain in...
  5. B

    vic desu, heres my story ( if you're bored ) ^^

    hi guys from soft. ive been reading the x japan thread for sometime now and some other of the forums, but ive been lazy to sign up. so yeah i guess its about time i introduced myself = ) my name is victor but u can call me vic/ vic chan/ vic kun eh whatever u want really i dont really mind as...