Recent content by beyond

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    Gear Photos 2017

    ovation 2078tx
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    help me with this song. from 4.45 start. the ending solo. i follow this site, some part short of notes, some part extra, some part sound not correct =( i cant find any other site with this tab...
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    warwick guitar rock stand case for 7 guitar

    $149 msg 85188236 for pic & other details
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    which amp?

    vox vt40+ vox lil night train. vox vt20x train is 2nd hand, the rest first hand, all about same price. buy which 1?
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    i just start learning guitar.... i m 35 years old now, start music so late =( i want to check, is it a ok to buy a gibson les paul studio faded T now? or just buy epiphone & upgrade later?