Recent content by AaronSoFat

  1. AaronSoFat

    Monte Allums CS-3

    My LED blew out. However, the sound ain't affected and its still actually doing it's job pretty well. Anywhere to get the exact same LED as the monte allums one in SG? it's like 1.50 excluding shipping on their website. they're chopping my raddish
  2. AaronSoFat

    Anyone can do this?

    planning to mod guitar. anyone knows how to put a piezo into an edge pro 7? like this dude
  3. AaronSoFat

    Who has sweaty palms?

    God damn sweaty palms. my pick always slip. my strings always rust. and worst of all... my pick always slips. any picks to recommend? lol.. using jazz 3 now. one of my friends went through surgery to like stop sweating in his palms but i think that it's a bit extreme... just need a pick that can...
  4. AaronSoFat

    BBE sonic placement?

    Do you guys think that putting it before a volume pedal will be a problem and curb the enhancements it brings to the sound? i just ordered it but hasn't arrived. wondering where to put it. haha
  5. AaronSoFat

    Anyone knows where to get parts for RG1527?

    Hey everyone. title is pretty self explanatory. Anyone knows where to get the 7 string floyd rose bridge and locking nuts for my RG1527? freakin rusty can't even change strings properly. ahah
  6. AaronSoFat

    What's happening to the world?

    Well so, the story goes like this. I saw a fellow softie, I shall not name, happen to have a sale on boutique pedals and I was quite interested in the Barber Tone Press that he had for sale. The sale went well, didn't really get it for a really good price, but hey! always trust softies. In...
  7. AaronSoFat

    HELP!!! weird high pitch noise

    hi i have inferred that my power supply is causing a high pitch noise through my amp as i have tried one by one all the pedals with a 9v battery and with the power supply... it's a t-rex power adapter and a one spot daisy chain so i doubt that would be causing the problem. really not sure on how...
  8. AaronSoFat

    Help needed for Barber Tone Press

    My barber tone press blend knob is giving a slightly distorted sound.. really not sure on how the blend knob works anyway.. anyone can comment on the blend knob? or is it my amp causing the slightly distorted noise?
  9. AaronSoFat

    HELP!!! White noise...

    hey guys.. i'm getting a lot of white noise from my drive pedals. is it because my adapter isn't properly grounded? or is there a way to ground my pedals so that i don't get that irritating hum to it? or could i just get an EHX hum debugger? much help is needed. thanks.
  10. AaronSoFat

    Wtb Guyatone Od-2!!!

    posted before.. but nobody seems to wanna sell a guyatone od-2.. heh
  11. AaronSoFat

    James LaBrie owns have you guys seen this?
  12. AaronSoFat

    Pedals... your opinion?

    i'm thinking of buying guy a tone OD-2's and stacking them. getting a really raw sound out of them in the shop. anyone thinks i shouldn't?
  13. AaronSoFat

    7 strings

    hey fellow musicians.. just wondering whether anyone knows any good 7 string guitars out there other than the usual ibanez universe or RG1527.. i'm getting pretty sick of seeing the epitome of a seven string guitar being an RG1527, though it is a great looking guitar and feels great and all, but...
  14. AaronSoFat

    Help with tone.

    Hey. Have a OLP stingray copy bass. It sounds pretty sick on the low E, however the high strings just aren't getting picked up properly, not that the pickup has gone screwy or something. It's just that this copy of musicman stingray doesn't have as powerful a humbucker as the original musicman...
  15. AaronSoFat

    Another bad Davis service story

    Well, i read the previous thread and suppose i should share my story too. I sent a guitar to them just to replace the screws of my neck joint. Simple job, amazingly i still had to pay the guy 30 bucks for that service. A few months later, i sent my guitar to Kelvin at guitar connection due to a...